Jill is the Founder, President, and Chief Creative Officer of BSTRO. She champions ideas, building BSTRO where talented, engaged people share strategies, insights, and stories.

Since she started the agency in 2004, BSTRO has become a market-leading digital agency known for developing engaging campaigns that create deeper connections between people and brands with a client roster that includes global consumer brands, leading health and educational institutions, and innovative non-profit, arts, and cultural organizations.

Melinda replied when asked about Jill, “Jill is smart and driven. She is a visionary and a burst of energy. She has built her company on a foundation of great people and talent. I love that Jill is willing to push out of her comfort zone to do what is needed to take her business to the next step.

Client Spotlight Jill Tracy BSTRORecently, we had a chance to sit down with Jill…

How do you work with Zumifi?               

Jill –  The quick answer is that I work with Zumifi very easily. Melinda has set us up for a very nice working relationship. She has been consulting my company and me on finance and operational issues for over two years. It has made a significant difference in how we run the company and think through the challenges and opportunities in front of us. Zumifi provides a part-time CFO, a business consultant, a sounding board, and a consistent voice of reason for my company.

What do you appreciate most about working with Zumifi?

Jill – I most appreciate Melinda’s professionalism, insights, and wisdom. She knows what to measure, track, and flag and what we need to learn from our financials. She also has a calm focus that keeps meetings on point and helps keep the focus on our goals. There can be a lot of distractions in business and things that can pull you off course. Zumifi keeps us focused on the important things. And somehow, Melinda makes finance fun. She’s got a great business manner; everyone on our exec team holds her in the highest regard.

How do you network?  

Jill – I don’t think I formally network. I am a pretty social person, and I enjoy meeting new people and keeping connected to people I’ve worked with in the past. I find people I have lost touch with professionally through LinkedIn and try to attend client events, community fundraisers, and organizations and people I believe in. I think that’s the extent of my networking; it’s an organic process of maintaining old relationships and being open to introductions that come my way.

What is the hardest thing you have ever done?               

Jill – The hardest thing I’ve ever done was finish my MFA. The job market was booming; I was not a natural or trained fine artist like my classmates, and doing my thesis project was incredibly daunting. But I did it with the support of a couple of good friends and a massive commitment to make the final push. I wanted to quit a dozen times, but am glad I didn’t give in to money, fear, or procrastination.

What was the best thing that happened to you this past week? Why? 

Jill – It was a holiday week, so my answer will skew toward the best outside work. The best thing that happened to me this week was that my 7-year-old daughter came home from a two-and-a-half-week vacation and was equally excited to have been gone as she was to return. We went for a great hike, had a sword fight with sticks in the woods, and she smoked me in a foot race. So the best thing was being reminded that I have raised a strong, secure, independent daughter who is fun to be around and enjoys family time as much as I do.

Client Spotlight Jill Tracy BSTRO