Deadlines, clients, bills, kids – life can be full of challenges. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and dwell on the things that aren’t going your way. But, if you are reading this, things probably aren’t all that bad. If you are a business owner, and I am not saying it’s always easy, then you are truly blessed.

Reflections on Your Success
Living the Dream –
That might sound a little cliché, but stop and think about it. Somewhere along the way, you chose the path least taken. It could have been easier to work for someone else, let them sweat payroll, and deal with crazy clients (yes, we all have them) – but you decided to pursue a dream. To do it differently. To do it your way. And despite the risk, you leaped…
Success on Your Terms –
Maybe you lived your life as a square peg. But rather than try to fit in, you chose to stand out. You created something, nurtured it, put your heart and soul and probably all of your savings into it, and it worked. And to quote Lady Gaga –
Rah rah ah-ah-ah! Ro mah ro-mah-mah Gaga oh-la-la!
No, not that one. The other one –
I’m on the right track, baby. I was born this way.
Most entrepreneurs are not good at conforming, fitting in, or playing by the rules. We are told we aren’t team players in a large corporate environment. But as entrepreneurs, our differences let us shine. We see things differently. We try, we fail, and we get right back up again.
We’re not doing this for a paycheck. This is our dream, passion, and reason for getting up every morning. Every day, we are thankful for the love and support of our families, employees, clients, investors, and others who let us live this hectic life.
We get to soar with the eagles.
Over 50% of the working population (120 million individuals) works in a small business. These folks are the lifelines of our businesses. Our job as leaders is to bring out the best in all these great people who share our dream of building great companies to do amazing things. Big companies can’t innovate how we can, which gives opportunities to change the world. Each of our employees brings their passion, dreams, and talent to our dream. For that, we genuinely thank you.
We know there are safer career choices than working for start-ups, but nowhere will they offer you the chance to lead, grow, and explore how a small business can. And to all of you, we truly share our gratitude from the bottom of our hearts.
Being an entrepreneur is not an easy job. We have to answer to clients, innovate new solutions, and negotiate with suppliers while trying to generate a profit. As if that wasn’t enough, many of us desperately try to juggle all this while still trying to be present for our families. Some days are tougher than others, but it’s still a great way of life.
“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” William Arthur Ward